·This might be a strange way to post stuff for sale, and please flag or delete if this is in any way inappropriate, obviously. I'm consolidating after several years of chasing a number of different models; as most experienced collectors here know, there's something deflating about *having* after all that time spent chasing.
To that end: I've ended up with 4 LeCoultre Futurematics. These are wonderfully strange watches, and while I enjoy them very much, I don't think I'm the sort to need 4 examples. Instead of figuring which to sell, I'll offer them all, and whichever I end up with is what I'll keep.
Each is, in my opinion, a very very fine example. Each has been serviced by Christian and his group at Watchguy.co.uk (he's one of the only watchmakers I know who will service Futurematics, and it helps that he does incredible work), and all work flawlessly; each hacks, as well (the hacking lever's a common failure point on this model). Each example is gold-plated and 35mm. The very slight differences are in the dials and hands, as the pictures should make clear. There are other examples of this model--the porthole, most famously--but these were the ones I was originally drawn to.
I'm offering any of them for sale for $1k USD. I'm obviously happy to answer any questions or provide more pictures. For now, I hope just to provide a chance for anyone curious to buy (for a reasonable price, given the market on these) a very good and serviced example of one of the stranger, more interesting watches ever made (imo).
Thanks as ever for all the amazing scholarship and community here.
To that end: I've ended up with 4 LeCoultre Futurematics. These are wonderfully strange watches, and while I enjoy them very much, I don't think I'm the sort to need 4 examples. Instead of figuring which to sell, I'll offer them all, and whichever I end up with is what I'll keep.
Each is, in my opinion, a very very fine example. Each has been serviced by Christian and his group at Watchguy.co.uk (he's one of the only watchmakers I know who will service Futurematics, and it helps that he does incredible work), and all work flawlessly; each hacks, as well (the hacking lever's a common failure point on this model). Each example is gold-plated and 35mm. The very slight differences are in the dials and hands, as the pictures should make clear. There are other examples of this model--the porthole, most famously--but these were the ones I was originally drawn to.
I'm offering any of them for sale for $1k USD. I'm obviously happy to answer any questions or provide more pictures. For now, I hope just to provide a chance for anyone curious to buy (for a reasonable price, given the market on these) a very good and serviced example of one of the stranger, more interesting watches ever made (imo).
Thanks as ever for all the amazing scholarship and community here.