·Dear fellow members of OF,
Tomorrow I will be flying from Germany to Brazil to visit family and friends and I wanted to take a set of tritium hands for a vintage Heuer (that Bundeswehr one) to a friend and collector of mine.
They are of course very small and were purchased from a watchmaker who put the hands inside a small plastic container that seals tight and has two plastic foils on each half, so that the hands do not move when the container is closed.
The question is: theoretically it can be a problem to try and carry radioactive stuff with you into a passenger jet as part of your hand luggage. However, the hands are really small and surely it would not be a problem if they were inside a watch. Would it really be a problem to take them like that into a plane?
I asked some friends and more experienced collectors and no one thinks this is a critical issue but I wanted to throw the question into this forum and ask if anybody had a similar experience.
Tomorrow I will be flying from Germany to Brazil to visit family and friends and I wanted to take a set of tritium hands for a vintage Heuer (that Bundeswehr one) to a friend and collector of mine.
They are of course very small and were purchased from a watchmaker who put the hands inside a small plastic container that seals tight and has two plastic foils on each half, so that the hands do not move when the container is closed.
The question is: theoretically it can be a problem to try and carry radioactive stuff with you into a passenger jet as part of your hand luggage. However, the hands are really small and surely it would not be a problem if they were inside a watch. Would it really be a problem to take them like that into a plane?
I asked some friends and more experienced collectors and no one thinks this is a critical issue but I wanted to throw the question into this forum and ask if anybody had a similar experience.