Can I save this 1098 bracelet?

Hello all,

I recently bought a Cosmic that came on a very short 1098 bracelet. It seems like several of the permanent links have been removed. Now I have a small wrist....but not this small. As you can see below, it measures a little less than 5.5inches. On the left side, there are no adjustment holes remaining. After searching around online, I found a strand of links that would still be somewhat short, but may make the bracelet usable. Does anybody know how to take apart the permanent links? or if it is even possible to do so? I figure I could combine the parts strand of links with this one, to make a "whole" bracelet. I appreciate any thoughts or ideas! Thanks

Heaten, unfold, add links, heaten, fold back and pray it doesn’t break.

It does require some skills to get it done well.

Chances are low to get it done well enough to be invisible 😉
If you fail the job and need to recover, I have spare parts. 😉
This should be the same bracelet as the JB Champion bullet bracelet. Although those are equally expensive, being able to hunt down parts from both will open up your search pool.
As @kov suggests, you need to unfold center links and then fold them back in. The bracelets taper so it’s imperative you know which size links fold in where- calipers are your friend here. I have had a couple bracelets lengthened and shortened this way, and it’s possible to get the folds clean as long as the tools are wrapped in a way to not mar the finish. But you can usually see the difference in the factory fold versus a hand fold- but it’s under the bracelet anyway so I couldn’t care if it makes the bracelet useable.
@kov @JwRosenthal Ugh...I feared that was the case, but I really appreciate the answer and help. I was hoping that these would split apart similarly to Rolex style bracelets. Seems beyond my abilities at this point, so I'll likely hold off.

In regards to completely separating the actual bracelet links from the buckle, is that as simple as punching out the pin and then putting it back in?
Can’t you just add removable links?

I likely could on the long side, but all links with visible pins have been removed on the short side. I was hoping to even it out and essentially undue what was previously done.
@kov @JwRosenthal One last related question, if you don't mind. As you can probably tell, this is my first plunge into dealing with these types of bracelets, so this may be a stupid question.

After getting this short bracelet, I bought another cosmic blindly hoping to get a more complete 1098 and it actually came with a 1118 bracelet. From my research, it seems exactly the same, but the width at the end is 18mm rather than 19mm. Luckily, it also had a couple links. When I attempted to remove one, they seemed rather odd. The pins don't seem remotely springy and one of them doesn't even look like a normal pin. Also the tips seem somewhat pointed. Do you have any idea what I'm dealing with?