BEWARE Of Aaronbrian / [email protected]

Got a message here at the forum by a 0 poster named @Aaronbrian that said he has a friend selling what I looking for in my WTB thread. I don't have the exact words since Admin seems to have deleted the chat now but he wanted me to contact his friend at this adress: [email protected]

I shot him an email just to see where this could possible lead and he responded nicely to my questions and also sharing pictures that I found out was stolen from the web after using the image-search tool on google.

He suggested a deal that he was going to send the item to me and I would make the payment after receiving it so no risk on my side, he just wanted to be payed for the shipping at this moment. Sothe plot is probably just to steal shipping costs.

All good since I clearly did not fall for this one but beware out there and keep your head clear especially when you get contacted through a WTB!