·I visited a family member with advanced Alzheimer’s this weekend. I am her conservator I was setting up hospice services. It’s more for the extra layers of care than immediate “comfort” services although she recently broke her hip. Anyway regular communication is no longer possible and little of her original personality exists.
She is kinda, for the last couple years” comfortable in her own little world.
However I started playing songs we would listen together back when I was growing up. I started with “yellow submarine” and then some songs from her era. She became animated and would even clap accurately to the beat. She attempted to sing the words with me. How powerful is music to us? Even as our minds are wiped clean there is a basic reaction to music. I found it interesting and was glad I found a way to connect. I have asked a few doctors but there are many medical mysteries about Alzheimer’s. All that money they spent on the brain plaque connection may be 100% wrong although a handful of those who suffer from Alzheimer’s will react to the treatments for some reason. Not really going anywhere with this, kinda thinking out loud.
She is kinda, for the last couple years” comfortable in her own little world.
However I started playing songs we would listen together back when I was growing up. I started with “yellow submarine” and then some songs from her era. She became animated and would even clap accurately to the beat. She attempted to sing the words with me. How powerful is music to us? Even as our minds are wiped clean there is a basic reaction to music. I found it interesting and was glad I found a way to connect. I have asked a few doctors but there are many medical mysteries about Alzheimer’s. All that money they spent on the brain plaque connection may be 100% wrong although a handful of those who suffer from Alzheimer’s will react to the treatments for some reason. Not really going anywhere with this, kinda thinking out loud.