路路Carpe horologium!I've wanted to meet Speedy Gonzales and his owner ever since he showed up on 惟-F...馃榿
@Wetworks...thank you, sir AND nice work on your part! You say a portion at ~38% grade? Holy smokes!!! That's insane! I don't do so hot in the hills...during the 3 masters road races I did this year, I was dropped in the hills at all 3 races...very team mates were not very happy with me! 馃檨
I don't believe I have ever seen a 38% grade... and I hope I never do!
Even the Tour de France's steepest section only hits about 16%... you sure about that number, @Wetworks ? Regardless, I know how humbling anything greater than 15% can be!
There's plenty of friends of Bill W. on my rides, too...馃憤
Are you on rollers?
I'm still experiencing today the 'thigh hurt' from last Saturday...averaging a 185 heart rate for 33 minutes...
Knocked out my first metric century yesterday. Bonked pretty badly due to a lack in preparation as far as food stores, won't make that same mistake again. Fitness level-wise, I feel fine today, actually is bothering me not to go for a ride and instead recover.
My big problem lately has been the posterior portion of my knee, specifically medially (but not my MCL). Saddle height and cleat position are fine and it really only manifests itself pedaling into the wind (even sprints don't cause it to flare up), so I'm at a loss.
@Wetworks :Are you getting a period of rest/recovery at least one day a week? Changing the types of workouts, which means including 'strength'/'power' days (usually group rides for me), recovery rides, and then longer distance moderate intensity rides?
I used to have more issues like yours (sounds like tendinitis) until I began doing the above, especially the rest, and the strength parts (I was doing too many long rides)...
I suppose you're already well warmed-up before that headwind?
Maybe try a different position in the saddle when you're grinding into that headwind...
Or, try downwind 馃槈!