··Home For Wayward WatchesThe subject in my avatar has been on the move and just within the past few days!
It's the Texas. It's the only battleship remaining which served in both World War I and World War II.
I've been keeping up with this project, but had gotten a little behind on the actual date of the beginning of the restoration project and only learned of it yesterday. The Texas was just towed to dry dock August 31st, which happened to be on Mrs. noelekal's birthday.
The Texas has acquired some patina, quite a lot of patina actually. It's debatable among the battleship collecting fraternity if the patina is attractive or detracting and many may dispute any restoration effort at all in favor of all factory originality, but the elderly battlewagon isn't factory original anymore and hasn't been almost since its launch on May 18, 1912.
I've been enthused about the Texas ever since my parents placed me, still bawling and squalling, on one of its guns for photograph in 1960, having just bonked my head on one of the guns of No. 4 barbette while climbing around on No. 3 barbette. That photo is somewhere within the mounds of their "colored slides."
I have to go down and check on the Texas every few years whenever I'm in the Houston, Texas area, just 'cause.

Here's the entire photograph that I used to create my Forum avatar. I'd wanted the photo in its entirety to grace my avatar, but am too ignorant to have pulled that off when setting up the avatar back when I joined the Forum. The system abbreviated it.

The San Jacinto Monument as seen from the parking lot near the Texas.

The Texas as seen from the top of the San Jacinto Monument.
"This is the back of the house, with Uncle Ted coming round the side to the front." Monty Python fans will understand.

Some YouTube clips of the event. This stuff really "floats my boat!
It's the Texas. It's the only battleship remaining which served in both World War I and World War II.
I've been keeping up with this project, but had gotten a little behind on the actual date of the beginning of the restoration project and only learned of it yesterday. The Texas was just towed to dry dock August 31st, which happened to be on Mrs. noelekal's birthday.
The Texas has acquired some patina, quite a lot of patina actually. It's debatable among the battleship collecting fraternity if the patina is attractive or detracting and many may dispute any restoration effort at all in favor of all factory originality, but the elderly battlewagon isn't factory original anymore and hasn't been almost since its launch on May 18, 1912.
I've been enthused about the Texas ever since my parents placed me, still bawling and squalling, on one of its guns for photograph in 1960, having just bonked my head on one of the guns of No. 4 barbette while climbing around on No. 3 barbette. That photo is somewhere within the mounds of their "colored slides."
I have to go down and check on the Texas every few years whenever I'm in the Houston, Texas area, just 'cause.

Here's the entire photograph that I used to create my Forum avatar. I'd wanted the photo in its entirety to grace my avatar, but am too ignorant to have pulled that off when setting up the avatar back when I joined the Forum. The system abbreviated it.

The San Jacinto Monument as seen from the parking lot near the Texas.

The Texas as seen from the top of the San Jacinto Monument.
"This is the back of the house, with Uncle Ted coming round the side to the front." Monty Python fans will understand.

Some YouTube clips of the event. This stuff really "floats my boat!