Had this out on the weekend, yeah its just a scooter, but bombing down a side road, leaning against a stiff cross wind at 120kph it reminded me why I love bikes of any kind. It had me laughing out loud in my helmet several times Sunday afternoon.... the brilliant wee beastie!
Drove one of these recently. For something that weighs 3.85 tons, it gets to 100km/h in just 7.4 seconds, so pretty quick. 700hp/960Nm and with a vmax limited to "just" 160km/h, but then I can see why. I'm told this is one of only 15 RHD units in the world.
and now for something completely different..... a French made AMAC Vespa.
no shit, these were made in the mid 50s so French paratroopers could tear about North Africa on them, taking out tanks with their 3" recoiless gun (thats a bazooka to you Yanks) just point and squirt!
So its a tank killing bike built to be thrown out of an airplane. Now thats cool!