·S Speedy13Fantastic explanation.
however, we don’t know whether the strap will be ok after 10 years of use and because we still have bad particles inside we don’t know to what level they resist to wear but more importantly whether it’s safe. Too much “if”.
Surely you mustn’t go out in case you’re hit by a bus, a nut case with a gun goes on the rampage or you get sunburnt. Equally, you can’t stay in all day in case your house is in a previously unmapped radon hotspot, your textured coatings or vinyl floor tiles contains asbestos or your boiler goes on the blink and kicks out an excess of carbon monoxide.
We must all accept an element of risk in day to day life. If you try me reduce it too much, you’ll tie yourself in knots. I think I draw the line somewhere before rubber watchstraps.