·So I got my refund back from PayPal, but its showing as around £60 less in my credit card. Most likely due to conversion rate or something. Anyone else had the same?
I was just issued a refund after an hour on the phone with PayPal. The date passed and they were going to give Victor 2 more days to respond. I was able to reason with a very nice supervisor who saw to it that I received my refund. My advice to @Dwlighting is to call and do the same.
On a side note, while on the phone I asked if he knew the amount of the fraud and he said over $200,000.
I'm curious, if you don't mind sharing, what was your refund amount that you were able to convince them over the phone to issue the refund before they were done their investigation?
I had the same experience as AndyK8. It all seemed automated and refund was for same amount.
My case was also just settled in my favour.
I'd love to know what happens now. Will PayPal go after this guy? Will he ever pay the money back if he's caught? Will he go to court? Will he receive a sentence?
Are you in the US?
Did you provide additional info?