·I believe one person has been refunded. Based on the timeline that PayPal gave me I expect to have a refund in the next 2 to 3 days.
Do you get your money back automatically if the seller does not respond to the dispute?
which should complete by July 16.
The case is expected to be closed by July 21.
I got a refund today. Apollo hat time to make a statement till today...he didnt...and i got the refund automatically today
Hmmm..... I filed my claim before you on July 1 and it is still under review. Slightly concerning.
What date does it give you as the maximum response time by the seller?
When I made the claim it said:
Sender Reply by July 11 (there was none)
Reply from PayPal by July 16
Case to be closed July 21.
I called PAYPAL and they said the July 16 date was shifted to Monday, July 18. They are very aware of the scope of the scam. She repeated to me "It's a lot of money" over and over.
When I made the claim it said:
Sender Reply by July 11 (there was none)
Reply from PayPal by July 16
Case to be closed July 21.
I called PAYPAL and they said the July 16 date was shifted to Monday, July 18. They are very aware of the scope of the scam. She repeated to me "It's a lot of money" over and over.
I can only imagine the anxiety in your position and I say this with a sympathetic tone, do try to wait to the date given. I know it’s frustrating to see others be refunded before & faster than you but there could be reasons for this including down to the country each resides in. I’ve never been scammed like this but I have had to open 3 disputes on PayPal over the last couple of years and I was refunded on each by the date given. Each was an international order, each totaled around $500, and each time the seller refused to respond to the escalation.