··This Space for RentI love driving, but only for the 'playing' aspects (entrance/ exit ramps, tight turns, etc.). For work and family trips I cap my willingness to drive at 5 hours, and book a flight for destinations that take longer to get to. Can uber or rent a car at the destination. For just one person, flying can be cheaper than driving ($0.625/ mile is the current IRS rate)
Sometimes you need to haul stuff, which could throw a wrench into things unless you can ship the stuff.
I actually took the train from DC to NJ last week, even though that drive was theoretically less than 4 hours each way. But I know I would hit multiple rush hours heading up and coming back, which would easily extend the drives to 5 hours. Flying wasn't going to save much time. For the train you only had to be there 15 minutes before departure. Plus we finished our work early and made it to the station just in time to move up to an earlier train back. It was expensive though -- $700 for tix versus car wear&tear/ gas/ tolls of about $300.
Scenery helps make longer drives more tolerable, but after 3-4 hours of looking at mountains the tolerance runs out. The exception for me is coastal highways, as they are scenic plus very run to drive on -- but I have never needed to be on one for more than 2-3 hours.
Sometimes you need to haul stuff, which could throw a wrench into things unless you can ship the stuff.
I actually took the train from DC to NJ last week, even though that drive was theoretically less than 4 hours each way. But I know I would hit multiple rush hours heading up and coming back, which would easily extend the drives to 5 hours. Flying wasn't going to save much time. For the train you only had to be there 15 minutes before departure. Plus we finished our work early and made it to the station just in time to move up to an earlier train back. It was expensive though -- $700 for tix versus car wear&tear/ gas/ tolls of about $300.
Scenery helps make longer drives more tolerable, but after 3-4 hours of looking at mountains the tolerance runs out. The exception for me is coastal highways, as they are scenic plus very run to drive on -- but I have never needed to be on one for more than 2-3 hours.