Anyone else collect knives?

I love outdoor activities: backpacking, hiking, mountaineering, just camping... so I carry and use knife all the time when outdoor.

Here's my fixed blade knives my main backapcking knives: a Fallkniven F1 and a custom made knife.

And here's my folder collection, a folder knife my daughter gave me, Vitorinox Climber, Super Tinker, Farmer and Ranger 58.

I leave the Super Tinker at the office, I need to have a tool with me, and it's been really useful.

I'm learning to use the Ranger 58 as my main backpaking knife. Not easy, can not baton with it but it has saw.
Have some knives, and spend a bit of time on knife forums. ( not as much as here as I use knives and don't collect ) Find it upsets them a bit that I use knives that collectors want and don't know the 786 million different types of steel used in making knife blades.

There is some weird ones in the knife collection world.
I got in trouble on a forum the other day for asking if it was ok to post a picture with a knife in a piece of steak after a Vegan had attacked a thread by a fisherman for taking a picture of a knife in a whole fish. (Was doing the good thing by braining a fish to kill it quickly). Demanded that the mods removed the picture and put a warning on all threads that have blood. Next minute I am getting PMs from members about my conduct and my long standing tag line ( technically I'm a vegetarian as cows are made of milk and water ) how many knives do you need to cut a mung bean or open a pkt of tofu ? ( @dsio might know 馃槙 )

But it's reviews like this that keep me having a look every now and then.
The whole video is a crack up, but the last minute to two is funny.

Have some knives, and spend a bit of time on knife forums. ( not as much as here as I use knives and don't collect ) Find it upsets them a bit that I use knives that collectors want and don't know the 786 million different types of steel used in making knife blades.

There is some weird ones in the knife collection world.
I got in trouble on a forum the other day for asking if it was ok to post a picture with a knife in a piece of steak after a Vegan had attacked a thread by a fisherman for taking a picture of a knife in a whole fish. (Was doing the good thing by braining a fish to kill it quickly). Demanded that the mods removed the picture and put a warning on all threads that have blood. Next minute I am getting PMs from members about my conduct and my long standing tag line ( technically I'm a vegetarian as cows are made of milk and water ) how many knives do you need to cut a mung bean or open a pkt of tofu ? ( @dsio might know 馃槙 )

But it's reviews like this that keep me having a look every now and then.
The whole video is a crack up, but the last minute to two is funny.

Thank you Standy!

Having logged in first thing this Monday morning, looking for a smile, and accomplished the objective.

But also! Learned two new expressions to add to my lexicon....

"It's the Fractal of Suck"

"It's the Master of Terriblity" (yes I know, that's not even a word, but is!)

Great start to the week...
So now that I am fully awake, posted below for your pleasure is my Balisong collection(with a few clingers around the edges just for attention). Most are vintage 70s and 80s (ah the 80s)

Also note the Daytona hiding off to the right, and a few hollowpoints (because with this many knives, a gun is close behind)
Another full cup of coffee later, I have to share a couple museum pieces. I got into swords a few years ago but quickly realized that to fully immerse myself I would have to learn Japanese. Japanese swords here in the US are a subculture to a subculture. All the good references are in Japanese and have not been translated, so in the attempt to learn the intricacies of sword making, I have fallen very short of what I really need. So i'll start off with a couple of my favorites...the bottom being a Heian Era Katana sword from around 1050AD (a thousand years old!), the top being a Late Koto Era Wakizashi sword (Middle Muromachi) from about 1550 (signed and papered).
Knives - Who me 馃憤
Top 3 are Cold Steel Tantos. The bottom is a hand made micarta handle A.G. Russel. It's so well made that it easily opens with your thumb in the finger notch. It's a one handed lock-back pocket knife that's always in my pocket 馃榾
So now that I am fully awake, posted below for your pleasure is my Balisong collection(with a few clingers around the edges just for attention). Most are vintage 70s and 80s (ah the 80s)

Also note the Daytona hiding off to the right, and a few hollowpoints (because with this many knives, a gun is close behind)


Do you know how hard it is to find a non-fake BM42 nowadays? It's hard.

My only Bali is a BRS Alphabeast 3.0. It's way too nice for my terrible flipping technique.
Never had a good knife before, just my dad's old scout knife but this is coming for my birthday in a couple of weeks, Robert Klaas Solingen Monolith 440c folding knife in snake wood:



(pics borrowed, I'll take some actual ones when it gets here)

Where's the best place to get a leather case of some sort as it seems to not come with one?
I wouldn't say that I collect, but I always have one on me during my hikes and wanderings. This is a Fallkniven F1 - a shout out to @timjohn and @speedybob who also own one! Also pictured is tonight's meal - Hedgehogs, Oysters, and some beautiful Amethyst Deceivers.
Not a collector, but appreciate a good quality knife
Here's my Shun blue steel 8 inch Kiritsuke, a few strokes of a 3000 grit ceramic stick sees my left arm looking like it's developing mange.....
Just had my Klaas Monolith arrive, does a great job in its role as a glorified box and plastic blister pack opener.


I have one of these original Gerber Paul knives, sans the box. I inherited it from my dad, and is probably the most interesting pocket knife I have. My EDC is a Opinel No. 9 carbon steel that was made in the early '80s. My mom had once bought a case of them for $3 a piece and had given them away for years or sold them. When she passed away I found one in her stuff and I've carried it ever since.

I have numerous bayonets and short swords, etc. that I inherited from my granddad. Nothing too exciting, but one Revolutionary period Brown Bess bayonet, and an 1880s Cavalry saber which is in excellent shape. Sorry no pics at the moment.
Just had my Klaas Monolith arrive, does a great job in its role as a glorified box and plastic blister pack opener.

That is a beautiful knife, love the contours.

There must be something in the current alignment of the planets, I recently had ordered another Solingen knife;
B枚ker Scout Damascus , Amboina wood.

I have what has become an extensive collection of Watch company pocket knives (usually with opposite caseback blade) . Would be even bigger but I refuse to pay the more absurd eBay prices. 馃檮