·Ever since I can remember I was playing video games. Sure I grew up playing out doors and those were some of my fondest memories as well but I also have great memories associated with playing difference consoles and/or games. It all started out when my Dad came home with the brand new at the time super nintendo. We would spend hours playing different games like Mario. At first, he would have me or my brother hold a controller (that wasn't even plugged in) while he held the other one telling us we "were playing the character together." As the years went by that transformed into less and less time playing for him and more and more for us as we grew more inpatient.
I built a PC (and by built I mean I had a friend tell me what to do step by step as you would with a monkey) Christmas of 2021 as PC's tend to be the end game (or final boss if you will) when it comes to gaming. I now tend to play RTS games like starcraft and FPS like COD or halo. It's a shame that the RTS genre has seem to have fallen out of favor with today's youth but I guess that's a conversation for another day.
Anyways.. any one else? If so, what games do you enjoy and why.
I built a PC (and by built I mean I had a friend tell me what to do step by step as you would with a monkey) Christmas of 2021 as PC's tend to be the end game (or final boss if you will) when it comes to gaming. I now tend to play RTS games like starcraft and FPS like COD or halo. It's a shame that the RTS genre has seem to have fallen out of favor with today's youth but I guess that's a conversation for another day.
Anyways.. any one else? If so, what games do you enjoy and why.