Larry S
··Color Commentator for the Hyperbole.It is rather bizarre fact that vast majority of watch enthusiasts - from a novice to serious watch collectors, bloggers and forum members- have very little or no interest in horological fundamentals. And why should they - when most crucial 'online' question to be asked is how does this watch looks on me? followed by how much? and, finally, is my favourite [brand name] a good investment?
As I type this - I am happy to share just a glimpse of what concerns our small team, right now, as we speak. It is one of those fundamental questions: what makes the watch tick? Particularity, position of banking pins in relation to lift angle and amplitude of the straight lever escapement in NH2 watch. This pallets bridge is designed, measured, machined and hand finished in our workshop in Brookvale. All dimensions are in micron and dotted lines show the theoretical improvement from the last machined part, based on practically observed action. If you wish to offer your opinion on this matter, we are all ears!
And if you are a young, enthusiastic, Aussie kid with attention to detail willing to join our small team, we would love to hear from you too. Watchmaking is super cool, and one day, when you hold a watch bearing your name on the dial, you will look back and say, like Josh - well, it was surely worth it.
Nick Hacko,
Master Watchmaker
PS with all due respect, as a matter of principle, no engagement with anonymous posters. If you wish to correspond, please sign your comment with name, your profession and location. Thank you.