·So this isn’t a “what’s it worth thing” as I know this watch is not high value. I stopped by my buddies shop as I heard his mother had passed I wanted to pass along my condolences. Fortunately he is doing well so it turned into a positive visit. I always try to buy a couple things but all I found this time was a box of old sturdy spring bars and some watch tools which he only wanted five bucks for the only thing I could find of some interest was this whitnauer. Plus a vase for my wife. Not sure if this is worth getting serviced. Actually I kind of want to as I like bringing back forgotten things. I’m a little confused as to where this was made. I’m thinking US. Looks like the dial got nicked up during some services or maybe it fell open along the way. Some spots are cleaning off lightly with a QTip. Some are definitely scratches. I payed a whopping 5 bucks, it’s running, actually wound it full at 8p and it’s been accurate for a half hour. I also don’t have a wittnauer so I’m leaning towards getting it going and finding a leather band. I’ll probably spend more than the watch is worth but it’s just for me to wear. Bad photos sunlight long gone just wondering if anyone knows much about these google hasn’t got me to far yet. Edit some dial marks are crystal reflections but the dial definitely has some marks.