Peter Lundberg
·I think it´s all upp to the sellers personal economy situation. I have seen a Seadweller 50:th sell for less than RRP as well although most seem to sell approximate 7-15% above. A low price = quick sell.
Prices coming down or a fluke?
UK TZUK forum member selling one for £5950 GBP.
Not really sure how I ended up with one of these, it wasn't part of the plan, but there you go...
Well I am down for a Speedy Tuesday and have the money put by but as is a common story mine hasn't been delivered yet so I was getting itchy feet. Anyhow, one of these came up for sale brand new in stickers locally at a modest premium over RRP (the UK RRP is pretty low anyway vs the ROW) and I thought 'what the heck' and bought it. Now I have the dilemma of trying to scramble the cash together for the ST if and when the call ever comes. I will cross that bridge as and when...
2017 ST vs 3557 for the 60th so there are about 75% more 60ths out there as STs. Neither is really truly 'limited' though when viewed objectively.
Well it’s nearly a month on and nothing. The AD has no information either. I really like this watch but I must admit some of the shine has been taken off by the eight month wait, so far, and the lack of any positive information.
Still waiting for mine. Speedy Tuesday came last month. Still have Speedy Tuesday unwrapped waiting to see which one I like better.
Does this mean you are currently planning to only keep one of them? What will happen if you like both?