I picked one up a few days ago after looking at it in person a couple months ago. When I originally looked a few years ago I didn’t feel one way or the other. I had the original planet ocean in 42 mm, and never bonded with it. I could never get it to fit quite right, and it was just too big for me. Shortly after that I bought a Rolex submariner date. I really like that watch, and traded the planet ocean in for an SMPC. I had the perfect two watch rotation for me. That was until my brother took a liking to the SMPC. I eventually gifted it to him, and only had the Rolex the last two years. I missed having two watches. Two months ago I decided to buy the new planet ocean in 39.5 mm. Ever since I sized it, and started wearing it, I’ve been blown away by how nice it is. It’s not perfect for everyone, but it’s darn near perfect for me. It’s every bit as nice as the submariner, and quite possibly more comfortable. And the real bonus is that it’s actually available.