I have absolutely no wish to take work away from Archer but given the state of international post I would consider contacting Adam at Lewiswatchoco in Perth. He has serviced two Omegas for me and will get the new 145.022 at some point. I have, for many years, also used Rory Macdonald in Melbourne, where I live, he did a fantastic job on my 1976 145.022 a few years back. The difference being Rory is Rolex trained and local, Adam is Omega certified, so these days I give Omegas to Adam and anything else to Rory. Both are great watchmakers and fantastic to deal with, there really is nothing better than dealing directly with the person who works on your watch.
Regarding the 1479 bracelet, I took it off my watch as I prefer the look of a 1171 which I had. I was going to keep the 1479 as it is original to the watch but I also really hate things sitting unused so I may be willing to let it go to someone who would wear it.
FYI it is also only suitable for 7 inch fish wrists unless you can find another link. Anyway not trying to create a sales post just, err, saying.