Posts 6,509 Likes 77,051 Mad Dog ·Sep 23, 2017 Q: What time is it? A: The crowns say "Hamilton Railroad" time. 950 on left, 950B on right... NOTE: The almighty wife unit [MacGyverette] says it's time for me to quit dorking around taking ridiculous pictures of my ridiculous watches and haul my ridiculous ass outside to mow the lawn.
Posts 1,594 Likes 4,954 Risto ·Oct 5, 2017 Here's a couple of shots of Lomond Chronoscope I took another day. Running on Seagull ST19 and made in UK. I'd say good bang for buck.
Posts 23 Likes 14 Miexpeman ·Oct 21, 2017 My wife thinks I’m mad taking watch pics but that won’t stop me Here’s a few from my “miexpeman” instagram.