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Someone on a local forum posted this which he saw on Facebook, can't be real or is it? DON bezel, Charles
Laevens with the captain title and callsign gulfstream and the US naval test pilot emblem seems kind of a stretch for a Head of Retail, Operations and Training tribute watch
T TSpeedI hope it’s real and that Omega truly keeps it available only to those who qualify
T TSpeedI hope it’s real and that Omega truly keeps it available only to those who qualify and at a reasonable cost. If it ends up on C24 with some gray market dealer, we’ll know it’s just BS marketing. It would be a refreshing change if people of influence like Daniel Craig or Ben Clymer could never get their hands on one.
Since this seems to be the thread for first posts, I might as well join in. While I have not attended TPS myself I am in the organization that hosts it and have friends that have. They received an email this summer with opportunity to order. I have the email although most of the brochure from it has already been posted. The terms in conditions contains a statement saying "4. Purchaser will not sell the watch to anyone." Not sure how legally binding that is.
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