which 3rd party scripts are actually necessary for the omegaforums.net website?

I'm browsing with 'Noscript' active, and only allow scripts as needed. I notice that lately there seems to be a lot of empty space between forum posts, and I'm wondering whether I'm missing some forum contents or functionality that depends on 3rd party scripts, i.e. scripts loaded from other websites.
I could of course try to figure it out by trial and error, but given the large number of sites with scripts that want to run (see screenshot) this would be quite tedious.
Maybe one of the mods knows which script sources need to be enabled to get the best forum experience? I have already marked a few as 'trusted', probably because they are needed for other websites I visit, but a typical forum page has a whole bunch more script sources. Which ones are actually needed?

I also thought that in general relying on 3rd party scripts was bad practice and a security hole (which is why I'm not allowing 3rd party scripts by default), but maybe there is no way around it for this forum?
Most of them are related to serving ads (which are necessary to help cover our costs), but if you upgrade your account then no ad JS is loaded at all.

On your list above you've white-listed some random ad related scripts but not others... this could lead to random issues and broken functionality. Cheers, Trev