As juducote says, let the seller beware. And as I'm sure you know, some buyers are looking for a watch to resell, so don't expect them to pay your asking price (unless it is wholesale.) As for the collector who is buying, it is also logical that they will want to dicker on the price as well. They don't buy watches just to give away their money...they want to feel a certain price/value protection. So wherever you try to sell, get a good understanding of what watches just like yours are selling for...not asking price but actual sales price. Ebay is a good place to do this research. On the left hand side of the page, down past the middle, is a link to completed auctions (you don't want those) and sold items (that's the one you want.) You can study the watches' condition and compare prices. You may or may not like what you see, but that is the market. I would then list my watch in many forums and on online markets...including eBay and Chrono 24.