I haven't been back in the office since March 2020, so all my dress shoes are languishing in the closet. These days, the weather isn't great, so it's either the Heschungs, Frye GYWs, or Paraboots.
@impalla62ss - greetings from a fellow Merrell fan.
I do a fair bit of walking and I am a bit OCD, so I tend to buy the same and buy spare pairs / I dont bother with repairs. I use Loake for shoes and Brasher for Hill boots.... Nothing too fancy.
Like @Walrus the yeti goes for nautral leather with fur, paw and claw. Along with his low clothing bills that makes up for his other running costs :0)
Always worn Brogues and Redwings but since having a child and often needing to help her get ready as I sort myself out, I've found the convenience and comfort of Blundstones a winner.
Same thing I wear most everyday, an old pair of bullhide Noconas. When I'm not in these it's a pair of calfskin Luchesse, or for fancy dress a pair of full quill ostrich Rios of Mercedes. I also have a black pair of ostrich Luchesse if I need to wear a suit. Geez, when they're all listed I sound like Imelda Marcos.
I wear regular sneakers, and I don't bother much about my shoes. When I first bought my adidas yeezy, it was the height of fashion and looked very stylish. But now, when almost everyone has this model of shoes, they are not so fashionable. But they are very comfortable. I also like wearing them under anything and won't look untidy. Usually, sneakers look only under tracksuits, but not in this case. I freely recommend my sneakers with jeans and pants and look like they should have been like that. Do you wear sneakers under jeans and trousers?
The UA smart shoes, plus hooka, sandals, cycling shoes, dress shoes. I need y to get some boots again, red wings again I don’t need them for work, but awesome stuff.