·i probably have more time to waste on this buffoonery than most (I own a business where I run around like there's a fire with my hands over my head yelling and screaming and occasionally crying and then nothing to do for 2 or 3 days). I should have listened to my mom and went to med school; oh well. My son is top of his class at Brooklyn Tech and, co-captain of the wrestling team #1 ranked team. (((proud dad))) ). He's going to be a doctor so if I live long enough, I can live vicariously through him. I know we have a lot of physicians here who are laughing at me right now but I promise you persons of character and civic minded people still look up to doctors as they should. The United States lost her mind when we decided to idol worship portfolio managers and investment bankers over surgeons. I'm not that old that I can't remember a time when doctors lived in all the best apartments on 5th Ave in NYC and had half the country club memberships at Winged Foot. What happened in this country???
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