Universal Geneve Thin Square Watch

I'd like to repair my father's old Universal Geneve watch. Can someone shed some light on it such as vintage or model name? Is it a decent watch? I don't mind spending a couple hundred dollars to fix it if it's worth that much but don't see spending that if it's basically a Timex. And yes, that awful band has to go.

I remember him wearing it in the 70s but at some point it stopped working. It winds, runs for a few minutes, and stops.

Can someone recommend a good place to send it for repair?
Well, If we all agree, since you asked value, that this is a real watch, not a composite of parts, tell us roughly where you reside and we can steer you. My view is that this is not UG that came from the factory...so I’d not spend a nickel on this. Could be wrong … Any history?