Universal Geneve 156105 - Halp


I just joined and am a new member. I just got my first UG, and I found it on an estate sale. I was unsure if I should buy it, because I could only find 2 watches that matched the model number (156105). There’s was one post on here (https://omegaforums.net/threads/help-with-my-universal-geneve-watch.86179/) from 2018, and one watch listed on Chrono24 (from Denmark or Germany, I think?). Neither watch looks like mine, similar but def not the same, so I was wondering if anyone had more information.

I have opened the watch, and the movement matches the model number. The closest watch face that I have seen is that of the ‘Golden Shadow’ Roman dial, but without the ‘Golden Shadow’ inscription. There is also a number etched into the case back interior that looks like it was done by hand; I’m not sure if it is a watchmakers mark? It is vertical to the carat stamp, “5234-77k”, along with “143” outlined. The photos are not the best quality…. I also cannot find much on the caliber 56, besides the fact that it may now be Movado 336(I think..).

Any information would be great! Thanks in advance!

Case logo is earlier than dial logo. Its either a redial or more likely a later dial was dropped in. A service in this would cost far more than its value.
Case logo is earlier than dial logo. Its either a redial or more likely a later dial was dropped in. A service in this would cost far more than its value.
Thank you! Do you know what the original dial would be? I haven’t been able to find the information on that. Both dials that were on the 2 that matched the model number didn’t look like this one.
Thank you! Do you know what the original dial would be? I haven’t been able to find the information on that. Both dials that were on the 2 that matched the model number didn’t look like this one.
Not a lot of documentation. I’m convinced however after banging around a bit that this is a later dial on earlier case.
The 285xxxx serial on the case seems to fit fine with the dial logo to me - the other 156105 examples i can see have the same dial logo, but different dials.
They dont seem to have a sub-reference number (usually what defines the dial), so different dials on the same case seems quite plausible to me.
The 285xxxx serial on the case seems to fit fine with the dial logo to me - the other 156105 examples i can see have the same dial logo, but different dials.
They dont seem to have a sub-reference number (usually what defines the dial), so different dials on the same case seems quite plausible to me.
That’s what was so difficult about finding information for this watch I did find a table that was relatively helpful on the differences between their 5 & 6 digit models, but I did not see the “/“ for what else the number defines. Very elusive, thank you for your input! Would you give a rough estimate for what you would pay for this? I was surprised to find that it works and winds well, it’s about a minute fast, but a friend of mine offered to tune it.