Ultrasonic cleaning

Thanks Jim! I’ll take another pass at the jewel today!

Absolutely hear you on a clear open space. My desk needs a clear and wipe down before any assembly.

Yesterday’s events were the baseplate and the disassembled barrel, its spring and the arbor. My mainspring arrived - so aiming to get that in soon. Hopefully today.
how much does a set up like this cost? dust free environment is very important i reckon?
Really depends what your goal is? There’s a fair few components in the thread. Is there anything specific you’re interested in?
Progress on the project -

Much better results on most of the smaller peices - installed the mainspring, arbor, driving pinion.

Do think I need to buy in a replacement friction spring - as it looks very worn to my eye.(Opinions welcomed!)

I did fit it to get some practice in fitting - and that was an awful fiddly job.

on the main plate - I put in in for one 15min cycle in the L&R cleaning solution, and then 2x 3 rinses - swapping the jars between. Then ran some air over it.

But the result looks mottled - before I go further with assembly - any theories on what I’m doing wrong? Or is it not a concern.

Leaving the barrel open at the moment whilst I research where to oil. The manual suggests 3 spots on the driving pinion. (I assume that rotates?), and the arbor.