The itch... the need for a new watch!

Limiting yourself to a strict, set number is really arbitrary in my eyes. Most of us will agree that it makes sense to not go infinite with our collections, but who's to say that "ten" (or "three" or "eight" or...) is right for you? Maybe eleven is the magical place where balance is achieved...

In all seriousness: don't limit yourself. You'll set yourself up for pain this way - either by denying yourself something that you really like, or by selling off something that with "old eagle-eye hindsight" you should never have let go.

It's different when there's a watch in your collection that you are just not "feeling". Let it sit for a while, but if you are not wearing it (or worse, plain forget that you have it), then at some point in time it may be right to let it go. But don't push things out because of arbitrary rules.