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  1. Tennos Nov 16, 2015

    I just wanted to express my appreciation to the moderators and the veteran forum members for their advice and assistance in helping educate me (and other novice collectors). Obviously vintage watch collecting has become far more popular over the last decade or so, which was made very clear to me while reading a vintage watch collecting book over the weekend. The book, which was about 10 years old, had price ranges on pieces that, in today's market, are at least twice, and in some cases, as much as 10 times higher. So, while new collectors may help increase the value of pieces owned by more experienced collectors, that also increases competition for good pieces and drives up the prices for new acquisitions. At a minimum, answering the questions of novices (like me) can be time quite consuming, and new members that require basic education are joining all the time. So, please accept my thanks to the members for fostering a sense of community and mutual support that includes even the newest collectors.