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  1. Archer Omega Qualified Watchmaker Dec 13, 2019

    Legible, yes definitely. Of high quality, well there's a lot of variation in their line. For example my old 356 Flieger II had a very high quality dial:


    So does my wife's 456 - the blue MOP dial is very nice:


    But the black dials they use in say the U1, U2, 556, etc. are lesser quality in terms of the robustness of the finish. The matte finish is easily damaged, so by an improperly installed hand, like this one:


    Hand was installed this way from the factory...the watch had not been serviced previous to me servicing it (I ended up replacing the dial with a new one):


    The hands on some of these watches are about the cheapest you'll see in terms of construction. Very well lumed, but rather crude flat stamped hands:


    In terms of movements the ETA's and Sellita's are decent movements, but Sinn doesn't do much with them. There are day/date misalignments that are common on the 104, and I think those were using Sellita movements. Again these are good value watches overall in my view, but built to a price. An example of that is from a 756 I serviced some years ago, and this one uses an ETA 7750 with the constant seconds hand removed from the 9 o'clock position. This is it next to my 356 at the time:


    The right way to do this seconds modification is to order the movement this way if you have the clout to do so, or order in a second wheel with the shorter lower pivot. If those options aren't available, you would take the movement apart and modify the wheel to remove the pivot (I've done this sort of thing on ETA 6497's in the past).

    Sinn did this:


    They just used some sort of clippers and snipped off the post, leaving this rather jagged post behind. Since this is a Diapal movement, and to install the specially treated escape wheel they would have had to take the entire movement apart anyway, the way they just crudely snipped this post off really makes no sense. Have to say I was a little disappointed to see this sort of hack work from them. Still, I remain a fan of the brand overall.

    Cheers, Al
  2. jaspers Dec 13, 2019

    No way! Wouldn't expect such crude hacks from them...
    Mediocre likes this.
  3. Dsloan Dec 13, 2019

    Sinn did this:


    They just used some sort of clippers and snipped off the post, leaving this rather jagged post behind. Since this is a Diapal movement, and to install the specially treated escape wheel they would have had to take the entire movement apart anyway, the way they just crudely snipped this post off really makes no sense. Have to say I was a little disappointed to see this sort of hack work from them. Still, I remain a fan of the brand overall.

    Cheers, Al[/QUOTE]

  4. CameronD Aug 12, 2021

    I've owned four Sinn's - a 556 ib (which was fine) an ETA based Sinn 104 (polished case) and two matte 104's. The first matte version 104 ws a dog. Loads of winding problems. Sent it off to RGM (with Watchbuys blessings) and they sent it back to Watchbuys. Watchbuys replaced that 104 with another watch - it also suffered problems - including loosing a significant amount of time every day. That watch was sent on to RGM for repair under warranty and after a month or so returned to me. I did not notice much difference in how much the watch lost per day. I gave up and sold it at a loss to an owner who is happy with the watch. All all, the original 104 (ETA based) was an excellent watch and if I was to do it all over again, I would have kept it and maybe had the case bead blasted. Watchbuys in NC (The AD) was exceptional in their customer service. My experience with the two matte version 104's turned me off to Sinn. I purchased a couple of Damasko's and Guinand's and could not be happier with the watches.
  5. spe777 Aug 12, 2021

    I've owned 3 Sinns: a 144, 104, and 856. I have had good and bad experiences with the brand/watches. My 144 had an issue with the PVD coating on the bracelet and Sinn sent me a replacement under warranty. The 856 had an issue where the spring that releases the crown would not pop out after unscrewing to set the time.. (This seems to be a common issue as I've noticed other Sinns have the same issue.)

    As others have noted, the sales/service model in the US using Watchbuys/RGM is not particularly customer-friendly. I'm not a fan of this at all.