Is it not the season of goodwill? Tough crowd…
You're entitled to your opinion of course but consider a situation where back in 2023 you engaged me to work on one of your watches, you paid me for my services and the new parts required, you sent me your watch and despite your best efforts to make contact with me and your best efforts not to panic, all you've had is one quick conversation during the summer of 2024 when I said I'd "deal with it this week". Your emails and phonecalls have otherwise gone unanswered.
You’re missing the point.
Let’s be clear: no one is denying that this type of situation isn’t EXTREMELY frustrating and annoying. I have two Rolexes right now with a guy I’ve used for 37 years, and I’m certain if I didn’t check in every month I would never see them again.
The point is: the guy (and it’s been made public, to make matters worse), has gone through a crappy divorce and this has been offered up as an explanation for his unacceptable professional behavior.
But that was then, and this is now.
So, one has two choices: either don’t forgive him for his actions in the past, and pledge, because of that, never to engage his services again; or, show some empathy, realize that this could happen to any of us, and give him a chance at a fresh start.
I only wish governments and corporations were held to the same rigour as sole traders ;0 and I again note that some of us are now personally identifiable, not just an internet handle, which should hold more weight in this increasingly ephemeral interweb age. I agree it is important to share experiences, but also to consider what outcome is required, and what will be the best outcome for all parties. Is anybody rushing to send their CK2998 to Omega ……super quick turnaround and new lume……