I personally find it relevant. Crosses over to shilling imo. Further muddies an already not pretty picture.
What has your issue been out of interest?
Watchmakers work is very well regarded amongst vintage collectors, watchmaker gets over loaded with work, watches take longer to return....that's hardly an unpretty picture.
I use Simon a lot, and have done for almost 10 years. Anyone that knows Simon well will know how open he is, so Spacefruits update could have literally come from anyone.
I have no financial interest in the company, other than using Simon to service watches. I can give you the same update, if that makes it more palatable for some.
He has recently taken on staff to help with administration, this also saves him booking watches in, which is very time consuming.
He does a lot of trade work with modern watches, often quartz. He is now looking to add competent staff, that will do this work instead of him.
He has gone through a stinker of a divorce, which is hopefully now resolved.
Did anyone ever use Aldo for SM300 bezel restoration? I got used to a 12-18 month wait, with absolutely no contact until the work was done. I asked him how he kept his customers, he said 'If they don't like it, they will find someone else'.
My watches have also started taking longer to be serviced...so in January I thought I'd try and find a new local watchmaker.
A local guy was recommended to me, so I began using him.
I dropped in a WWW Timor in 95% condition, this came back with a scratched dial, the perfect aged lume was all gone, the hands were now filled with superglue, and painted Airfix orange. It also came back without the dust cap, which he denied was there. Overall that cost me about £250 to fix. He had a VERTEX which came back minus parts, and also a nice Smiths W10 that came back with added 'patina' to the dial.
He had a watchmakers bench set up in the corner of a fairly large department store. When it came to discussing the above, and finally bringing my sorry experience to an end, we almost got into a fight. We were shouting and screaming at each other, with little old ladies shuffling paste with their trolleys in hand. All in all it was quite a surreal experience, and one I don't wish to revisit.
Moral of the story for me... stick with what you know, even if it takes longer.