路I note at this time only 7 of 77 members don't have avatars; Dennis, your threats are making people act!! Good on you! Keep up the pressure....馃榿
Keep up the pressure....馃榿
Man, I just saw the cat and the outdoor "penalty" avatars. Thought I'd better jump on this quick before the mods hit me with something awful. Excellent motivation by the way...
Man, there are a LOT of members without avatars. I've put apropos pictures into some according to their screen name. I've also noticed that some members remove their assigned avatar without replacing it with anything!!!! If you know how to remove a picture, you know how to install your own - so please do so.
Whenever I want to make myself laugh a little, I set a few avatars. Got to be at least 50 done so far. The good thing is some of these members finally get off their rump and set their own to replace the one I assigned them.
It was you! I was so perplexed.
I like the avatar you chose, I think i'll keep it. Good find, Thanks.