What're the thoughts about changing a person's avatar?
Yes, it is allowed but is it frowned upon or discouraged?
Some people previously wrote that they associate a person with their avatar and hence a change disconnects them from their record. Perhaps, but to me if the user name hasn't changed this is not a strong argument against changing avatars. I get that we become accustomed to certain avatars but I can't imagine being flummoxed if someone changes it. It's not like we are dogs that think our owner disappeared when he went into the other room. Chaos if everyone does it? Maybe but hard to see it.
Someone wrote that someone might change an avatar to make it seem like they have a wider presence in order to sell a watch. Maybe, but that seems pretty Inspector Clouseau.
I changed mine a couple of times early on. Hadn't put much thought in it. Now I am bored with it again. When I previously changed it all the previous posts changed too so it didn't seem to impact the history.
I am a fan of decorum and do not wish to ruffle any feathers. Any thoughts one way or the other. As always, no response is considerd "who the F cares, just stop talking "