river rat
·Some cool shots. I did 22 years in the US Navy 4 active duty the rest in the reserve until I retired. You must of went on a tiger cruise were civilians get to come on board. I had a Friend who was on the USS Constellation he gave me a tour we got to the Engine room and we got lost he was on it for a few years you think he would know his way around. When on the USS Mauna Kea AE-22 my second ship a ammo ship we unrep the USS Kitty Hawk that were you resupply fuel and ammo out at sea to hard to explain there is a wire connected to both ships with a trolley that slides on wire what we call the high line two smaller wires connected to the trolley to pull it back and forth to bring the supplies to the receiving ship both ships got to stay on a straight course but when your that close side by side a carrier is BIG. We were off the coast of Korea with the battle group of the USS Kitty Hawk and the USS Kitty Hawk ran over a Russian victor class sub it was harassing the Kitty Hawk and played chicken well it lost and was towed back to Russia.