Opinions on this UG Dato-Compax

Neither are redials, but they are not UG's best works either. Having been one of the most prolific watch manufacturers of their time, their quality control wasn't always up to snuff. Here is the same dial from Sala that Rman showed:

In this one you'll notice that the "Dato" of "Dato-Compax" is slightly higher than the "Compax" and the "Geneve" of "Universal-Geneve" is slightly lower than the "Universal" whereas those two things are oppositely true on the OP's dial. These slight discrepancies are within UG specs.

And you'll also notice a different profile with those blued steel hands (your picture here is correct). Although there are subdial hands that have been replaced in addition to other problems. Careful young Sala-toting-grasshoppers. It's a resource, not the last word.