I bought a seamaster 200m qurtz from serial number its a 1993, so it should have a cal 1438 but when I open it ,it had the cal 1538, I do not know what to do? should I give it back and take my $$? or its normal?? the 1538 is the replacement for the cal 1438 so did google say.
the watch work very good
sorry for my poor englsih
I bought a seamaster 200m qurtz from serial number its a 1993, so it should have a cal 1438 but when I open it ,it had the cal 1538, I do not know what to do? should I give it back and take my $$? or its normal?? the 1538 is the replacement for the cal 1438 so did google say.
the watch work very good
sorry for my poor englsih