··Keeps his worms in a ball instead of a can.Damn I was going to say 15.5 after I thought about it but didn’t want the edit.
i am curious if people have a theory on why the opening 10mm bid. . .makes little sense to me unless it was staged. i have watched hundreds of auctions (mostly art) and no one does that even when pieces go for much higher prices or the range is far too low
Perhaps by offering so much the winner wanted to thin the bidding herd from the off. I imagine that people have a figure in their head prior to bidding and if the opening price starts higher than that, they drop out.
I bet a lot of people thought it would sell for between 5 and 10 million So by offering 10 mill straight away the bidder have thought he could win it there and then
I don t know how much money you would need to be able to drop 10 mill on a watch never mind 15.5 mill, so really I am just guessing.
i still don't really get it.
Whats to get? Someone really wanted that watch. And had the cash to prove it. Case closed.
The question is why open with a 10mm bid when lots of people thought this was close to the final price
this is true for every winning bidder of an auction at any price.