The first one on eBay
But a lot cheaper than a Snoopy 2!
Can anyone share any thoughts, the significance and the collectability of the Baby Snoopy / Snoopy Reduced - came across some on C24 and the like and seem to be quite interesting - also they quote 39mm is that FOIS 39.7 size or smaller?
its gone from chrono24. Bogus listings?
They also disappear when they get sold though, don't they?
I finally paid a visit my local OB. The manager informed me that Omega HQ decided who would receive the first allocations. I am assuming it would have to do with purchase history, etc. Additionally, she informed me that all that have confirmed deposits will receive their watch. This is all second hand information (of course), but thought I would pass along info that I was told. 😀. Happy to see the first customers receiving theirs though!
Here in Portugal they didn't accepted deposits. I've tried and neither OB or ad's were allowed to.