I'm not sure, I didn't see the movie, maybe I'll have to give it a watch.
Instruments definitely weren't off, they just didn't use computer assist for the DPS burn
I've listened to the actual audio recording and read the logs. Honestly didn't seem like thatttt big of a deal compared to some of the other midcourse corrections that they needed to make.
(if you have done that with actual audio recording and reading of the logs, it suggest you have provided to the readers here an accurate account . But your conclusion that it was not a big deal with the way you wrote 'thatttt'. Yet this is not the case, from the records they had only a narrow 2 degrees angle to meet with that most critical 14 seconds timing of ignition being significantly important of the trajectory of getting this angle right.)
I don't think for this portion they were able to have a visual of the earth for alignment out of the module, and in either case the rocket angles were locked for the burn. I'm not an expert so I maybe wrong, but I don't think for this type of correction, seeing the earth would have any impact on their actions.
(WRONG. they were piloting the spacecraft visually with the earth in sight - one was controlling the left and right (yaw), another was with the up and down (pitch) while the third was timing with the speedmaster)
I would think that they just do the math or someone from the ground does the math and relays, rather than aligning by sight at 150k miles away...
(the maths was done from the ground, but the astronauts had to execute it because of the distress state of the spacecraft. Moreover the spacecraft was not supposed to be joined together - landing module and command module - on the way home (the landing module was supposed to be detached on the the moon - which changed the dynamics and affected the controls )
Imagine if they had tried to use this "feature" to time the actual event. I'd be sweating bullets for the 8 seconds that snoopy was behind the moon, wondering if I had actually started the time.
(it was all that they got - systems have been damaged - they had no choice.)