Just gave him a nudge.
I found out what he wants to sell 😀
I found out what he wants to sell 😀
How is he passing under the radar like that?!
It becomes personal when he bombards my "Latest" Threads section with irrelevant stuff from months or years ago!
F*cks up my whole morning routine!
At first I thought you were being a bit over dramatic but you weren't. It's bloody annoying.
Imagine if someone just went all the way to 200...only to post a WTB!
Yea I really don't see any point in making a fuss over rapid fluff postings until the magic 200 mark is hit. For sale offerings are subject to approval and that's when a post farmer becomes a post farmer. Until then one never knows if someone might just be an excitable type that's bored during the pandemic.
But isn’t the act of post farming to get to 200 in itself the infraction? It’s artificially circumventing the 200 post provision, even if an eventual sale is legitimate.
Oh I get it, but until there is an actual infraction it's hard to separate the harmless-yet-tedious fluff posts/threads from potential scamming. The chances of a potential scam being thwarted prior to hitting the 200 post mark is nil. Once an ad is placed that is a different story. However there is already posted guidelines suggesting how one can avoid problems through due diligence. There is usually some sort of verifiable buying-selling history to a member posting offerings on the selling section no?
Perhaps the doc just up his adderall dose.