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  1. Spncr May 26, 2021

    Hey everyone! I'm Spencer and I'm from NC, USA.

    I'm sorta new here... I made this account about a year ago and then never used it.

    I was recently talking to a coworker about his Speedmaster Pro Moonwatch and the next day he brought it in and let me wear it for the day. I think I'm now hooked on that watch. I always liked them, but never convinced myself to buy one.

    However… thanks to doge… I came up with some extra money that can go towards a new watch.

    Currently I don’t own any real expensive watches. I mainly wear a Citizen Royal Marines Commando (BN0140-56F) that I got second hand for a good deal.

    I guess I’m now going to be looking for a used Speedmaster Moonwatch if I can find one that fits my budget. I’m hoping to find maybe a sapphire one for ~$4000. I have a feeling I might not find one for that price.

    Anyway, here’s a couple pictures of my Citizen and my coworkers Moonwatch. Serial number dates his watch at around 2005.

    noelekal, marcn and Passover like this.
  2. jeppe888 May 26, 2021

    hi and welcome, good luck on your hunt
    Spncr likes this.
  3. otoron May 28, 2021

    Thought I'd piggyback on this post to say I'm also a new member! After lurking sans-account for quite awhile, enjoying the posts, photos, and insights y'all share, I figured time to make an account.

    Thanks to everyone for (unknowingly) teaching me so much, and for the admin for running the site!
    Kay995 and Spncr like this.