·A new book by Canadian author, Gary Fox. The Elgin Watchmaker’s College. This book is hot off the presses 200 pages, hard cover. Available only directly from the author. Price is $55.00 (Cdn.) Gary can be reached at:
[email protected]
I have included a picture of the book cover, and a foreword from Gary giving an outline of the text.
The Elgin watchmakers college opened its doors in 1922. Under the direction of Henry Playtner, William Samelius, and Raymond Soucie, the college trained more that 4,500 students the art of watchmaking, jewellery repair, and engraving. In operation for 53 years, the college earned an enviable reputation for the Elgin Watch Company, with graduating students taking positions in the United States, and internationally. The book introduces the directors and many of the students, and instructors. It speaks to the program and how it changed over the decades, and how it supported the war effort in the 1940s. It speaks of life at the school, and sadly, how it had to close
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