Ding Darling National Park. We have been watching this bird (my wife keeps up on names, might be a green heron) hatch her three eggs. The eggs have since hatched and they all look to be doing well. It's a short bicycle ride from our home.
This wildflower is a North of England and Scottish specialiality the wood cranesbill took this picture this afternoon beautiful magenta blue flowers that open in full sun bees love it and smaller insects also, taken in the forest near me in sunderland / county Durham .it flowers well before the meadow cranesbill.
This situation is getting precarious. Mommy must be sitting on her eggs if I approach too close getting yard tools or something she wigs out, flaps like crazy and takes off squawking. I am afraid she is going to hurt herself banging my wood deck. Today I just had to check something out back I noticed she stared at me and didn’t fly away. It looked like the nest was empty at first. Crappy picture I didn’t want to get too close but how long do they typically hang out in the nest I can’t mow my backyard if I do she goes wild. “Birds gone wild”
These are such amazing creatures I only see them at aquariums thus far and the few times I have seen them I can just look for an hour. God (I hope that is alright to say) must have had a lot of fun creating some of these beings.
Picture is of a very young red squirrel sitting in the ornamental crab apple tree in out back your, several years ago. Happily munching on sunflower seeds. This squirrel was not at all disturbed that I was about 4 feet from it. This squirrel might have become a regular in our yard as I see an adult red squirrel that would appear to the same one, making regular appearances.