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  1. danomar Feb 8, 2013

    I happened to step inside the secretary's office this morning to advise her of the malfunctioning copier and just happened to spy a box that seemed familiar. Hm. Hey, wait! That's mine! The secretary said it was not for me, but my name on the shipping label was proof enough. It would have sat through all next week had I not happened to see it!

    I originally purchased this mid-January, but it arrived with a malfunctioning chronograph. I had to send it back to the seller in Italy and wait the interminable wait. Now it is back and ready for a new life with a very pleased owner!


    The seller's photos made it seem much worse than it actually is. Funny how the wrong white balance can ruin a perfectly good image!

    I got to wear it for most of the day and am very pleased with the way it fits and the way it looks.

    More photos later.
  2. MMMD unaffiliated curmudgeonly absurdist & polyologist Feb 8, 2013

    Congrats! Awaiting full pictorial.
  3. LouS Mrs Nataf's Other Son Staff Member Feb 8, 2013

    Congratulations Danomar! I'm glad you didn't "settle" and got what you were looking for. Isn't the A 277 an unexpectedly (for me, anyway) impressive watch?
  4. danomar Feb 9, 2013

    Thanks, Lou. This is, in fact, my "settle" watch! It sat unloved for many months, so I decided to research the seller and discovered he is very well respected in Italian forums. The sale photos made the piece seem aged and worn. I took a chance and scored not only an excellent piece but also got it for a very nice price—including a recent service! I decided to act before prices on the A277 creep further, which they already seem to be doing.



    You are right, Lou. The A277 is a real treat. I was originally looking for an Autavia but really do not like how they wear. When I first saw the A277, I fell in love. It seems to have a magical balance of simplicity and small, thoughtful features that evidence the wonderful balance Zenith achieved in the good years.


    While the bezel on this A277 is not perfect, it is perfectly acceptable for me. The dial and hands are some of the nicest I have seen on any A277. The only true flaws are a small bit missing from the zero in "60" at 12 o'clock and a bit of the top of the "5" is gone. Otherwise, the lume, subdials, and hands are all superb. Enough words. More photos!





    Those are water drops, not imperfections. I previously wanted to see how it looks in the snow.


    KstateSkier, Gavin, alam and 2 others like this.
  5. dsio Ash @ ΩF Staff Member Feb 9, 2013

    Beautiful watch mate, is the star an applied metal one on the dial?
  6. MMMD unaffiliated curmudgeonly absurdist & polyologist Feb 9, 2013

    Purchased mid-January, then back to Italy for repair, then back in your hands by early February? That's not interminable, that's what the Italians call "prestissimo". ;)

    If it's the seller I think it is, they need a new photographer. I think that shop merits a personal visit. Might be prohibitively expensive, though, because it will probably involve taking the wife to Venice, depositing her in the hotel spa, renting a fast car, etc.
  7. ulackfocus Feb 9, 2013

    Reverse panda chronographs are cool. :thumbsup:

    Sure looks like it.
  8. danomar Feb 9, 2013

    That's the one. Definitely an eclectic and enticing collection he has. I had been watching this A277 for months and decided to jump when another was listed on Chrono24 for nearly twice the price—and half the condition!

    To his credit, the seller used UPS second-day shipping on both occasions. Communication could have been better, but the fellow is definitely honest.

    And yes, that star is applied.