Movado Super Sub Sea Arrived

Thanks guys, I am glad that the consensus is that ABC did a nice job on the casework, and that the watch is a good addition to my collection. I absolutely love it.

@Zuke I picked up this strap on ebay, and am lucky to have happened on it. @tcsasser I cannot say enough great things about ABC. They also restored the case on my 105.012, a case that many said was toast and needed to thrown in the scrap pile. They brought it back to life, and once I get the watch put back together, I am going to share the finished product with the forum, as I think that ABC will get a lot more Omega Forum work in the future.

@Stewart H

I think you can't compare to 100% a 2nd execution Movado SSS with a 1st execution IMO.

I can remember me on a auction of a 1st execution in really good condition at christies a few year ago and to this time the watch was sold for the right price (more than watchnut paid).
Today for a good example the price should be 1k or 1.5k more.

For a really good 1st execution in the same condition like lot 161 you will pay a little bit more +20-25%.

I will follow this auction and i'm curious what this SSS will bring and btw thank you for the link✌️

Thanks for all of the info, and sharing the auction link.

I am glad that I was able to source an example in the states, versus so many that seem to be overseas.
These are (still, for the moment) underrated

They won't stay long that way if the cat's out of the bag.... 🙁
So this watch was my grail for 2016, and I took somewhat of a gamble on the one from ebay a couple of weeks ago knowing the case was over polished. Thanks to @LouS and Abel Court for their insight into the watch, and confirming that other than the case and obvious lume degradation, it was a nice original example (save the pearl at 12 o'clock).

I had the seller, who was top notch by the way, ship directly to ABC, and Edvi and Beau restored the case the best they could, and I think did a right nice job. Because of the previous polish, they decided to apply a satin finish on the case sides--they are the pros, and I went with their recommendation even though it is not considered "factory".

The first two pics are from ABC, and they dialed down the exposure to show off the sharp case lines, which look amazingly close to factory. The case sides look much more satin in real life (the remaining pics).

While not a perfect example, it fits well in my collection, and is a placeholder for the reference. Hopefully I can find a better example or an a277 in the future, but who knows with this market. It looks killer on the wrist, and the cream patina on the subdials has a real "wow" factor.

DIBS....2017, since its a looker 😀

got a few dibs I need to come due now 😉
161 was passed...anyone know what the bidding got up to before being passed?
I saw lot 161 and have some pics of it (will post later this evening). It got to 3.8-4k with no further interest in the room, but I thought it sold there, as the auctioneer had absentee bids. It was a nice piece.
I saw lot 161 and have some pics of it (will post later this evening). It got to 3.8-4k with no further interest in the room, but I thought it sold there, as the auctioneer had absentee bids. It was a nice piece.
Thanks for the info...I hope someone was able to pick it up after the sale.
quick iPhone pics of the super sub at WoK

Quite a stunning watch in the flesh! Also you'll notice the signed crystal in the second pic, just like Omega's .... v cool!
It's mine, all mine.

I was searching for the right super sub sea for more than a year and I finally found it in the Watches of Knightsbridge catalog. I was looking for the best example you could find, since they rarely age well. @watchknut 's super sub sea was the only one I saw that has aged perfectly, it had the right hands, nicely aged subdials, ghost bezel, but was on the wrong continent.

There’s some confusion about how the watch was passed during the auction, but registered as sold in the auction report, so let me try to explain:

The short version:

I got on the online auction very late and didn’t have time to test the bidding process before the lot 161, the Super Sub Sea. As things go my bid didn’t go through on the Movado just before it reached its reserve price - 4000GBP. It was passed. Immediately I contacted the Auction house, explained the problems that I had while bidding, and offerer the minimum estimate (that was probably the reserve price). The auction house accepted my offer and that’s how the watch got sold. It’s in transit now.

The long (boring) version:

The plan was to watch the auction from the start and bid on only 2 watches. Half an hour before the auction I was in the park preparing to go home and get ready for the auction. I strapped my by baby boy in the child seat on the passenger's side and just as I started driving smoke started pouring in the cabin from the car's front vents.

I parked the car immediately and got my son out of the car. Thankfully the car stopped smoking as soon as I turned it of. While holding my son in one hand I somehow managed to disconnect the battery. My wife came to pick up my son, I didn’t tell her that my car caught fire, just that it didn’t run correctly and I didn’t want to drive it that way. Getting stuck by the side of the road happens frequently to me, so she really didn't doubt me.

My mechanic arrived half an hour latter to diagnose the problem, the same time the auction started. It turned out that the front heater motor got stuck and melted itself, the fuse didn’t blow cause the previous owner rerouted some of the fuses in the back of the fuse box. I had the car for two months and got it back in shape in that time, but didn’t notice the extra wiring behind the second fusebox in the trunk of the car.

My mechanic disconnected the direct line at the back of the fuse box and the line to the heater. We drove for a bit to check for any other issues. There were none so I finally headed home to catch the lot 161. I got home 5 or 6 lots before the SSS. Noticed that the platform was off, no video, choppy sound. Disconnected, reconnected again, didn’t fix the problem. While I was playing with the auction platform, the auction got to lot 160, one more and it’s the SSS.

The bidding was furious for the watch until it reached 3600, then it stopped. I can’t remember correctly what was the last bid, I think 3800 . I tried to bid that amount, or tried to bid 4000 can’t really be sure, but the bid didn’t go through. Got really pissed cause I was searching for the right Sub Sea for more than a year and when I finally found it I couldn't get it because of glitchy lame auction platform.

Who knows how long before a perfect Sub Sea is for sale again. Then I realized that the watch was passed, since the reserve was 4000, the same as the lowest estimate and the last bid was a little lower than that.

I contacted the auction house immediately, told them about my problem and offered 4000GBP for the SSS. The auctioneer accepted my offer, and also waived the online fee.

It should have it on my wrist next week. It arrived at Charles De Gaulle an hour ago.

I sold all my photography equipment (except for a set of old Leica lenses) some time ago, but I’ll definitely borrow a camera and photograph the SSS as soon as it arrives.
Really nice. These are (still, for the moment) underrated
It's really really nice, I'm up rating it.
@heypacha congrats on the Super Sub Sea, and thank you for your kind words on mine.

You will love the watch, and be sure to start a thread with glamour shots when it arrives.

Glad it ended up with a fellow forum member.

I should really buy my buddy a beer, as he talked me into buying glad I did.
It's mine, all mine.

I sold all my photography equipment (except for a set of old Leica lenses) some time ago, but I’ll definitely borrow a camera and photograph the SSS as soon as it arrives.
Congratulations! The SSS is a great watch, one of the best-lookning chronos I've ever seen! Looking forward to seeing some pictures when it arrives - when I first saw the photos in this thread, it was like seeing my own watch. I think they have nearly identical patina?
@heypacha - congrats!!

I was VERY tempted to bid on the watch, but when it got to the 4k area, I got gun shy as I didn't know enough about them and didn't want to get caught up in the auction 'hype'. These are amazing looking pieces and hope you all enjoy them - DIBs!! 👍