Local Watchmakers

How many of you have local, old-time watchmakers where you walk into the shop and talk to the person doing the work, as opposed to shipping your watches in and out (which I always find stressful)?
Here is a little local shop I have used in northern Italy. Only open two days per week for retail walk-ins, so the watchmaker can work the rest of the time undisturbed. I also have one in Washington state, and I have others I have mailed items too. I much prefer the local touch whenever possible, and they can often take care of small repairs on the spot.
I am blessed to live within 3 miles of the shop I use. They are pretty introverted so not big on chit chat but competent. My vintage audio guy on the other hand has built a serious man cave in his shop and loves visitors to just hang out. Threw one hell of a party two Saturdays ago. He also is open Friday and Sat only.
I am blessed to live within 3 miles of the shop I use. They are pretty introverted so not big on chit chat but competent. My vintage audio guy on the other hand has built a serious man cave in his shop and loves visitors to just hang out. Threw one hell of a party two Saturdays ago. He also is open Friday and Sat only.
What country are you in?
I have used two watchmakers in Austin when I lived there (15 years ago) and one here in St. Pete, Florida, but I have never spoken directly with any of them. They all work in shops that sell watches and a sales rep handles the intake of the watch and money when I picked up. They didn’t want to be bothered with that aspect.

I always assumed that was pretty common until I read about people on this forum actually talking to their watchmaker!