A bit of a nip in the air and frost on my beard today. A nice covering of hoarfrost on the birch trees too that has grown thicker over the past week. Minus 4 degrees Fahrenheit now and dropping as the sun sets at a little past 4 pm.
A bit of a nip in the air and frost on my beard today. A nice covering of hoarfrost on the birch trees too that has grown thicker over the past week. Minus 4 degrees Fahrenheit now and dropping as the sun sets at a little past 4 pm.
The crisp air (brrr!), snow and landscape here is quite beautiful, but I’m liking the idea of catching some warmth way south in Bonaire right about now. Enjoy your trip there this month!
Dug this one from our trip last year. Sunrise in Cordoba, Spain. Wish I had a clearer picture handy. Got this from my Facebook album so resolution isn't very high. Great memories.