Thirteen pages of pens here: 😀
Thirteen pages of pens here: 😀
Ok just got an absolute crazy pen. I am more into Vintage pens, but once urushi is involved all bets are off.
The emperor rules supreme.
Namiki Emperor Vermillion Red and Sailor King of Pens Ebonite.
Please post your pens. 😲😉😀
One of my favorite pens, an eye dropper filled Waterman 26 from before 1900 (with a Waterman dealer later clip attached to the cap c. 1905). I looked for one of these for twenty years. Found it on eBay.
I love pre-WW1 Watermans, particularly the large size eye dropper filled ones, because their nibs are so flexible and smooth and their hard rubber is much easier to hold than either celluloid or plastic pens. With few exceptions, they are the only pens I use.